
LUXA Film seeks to crowdfund new VP studio near Oxford

Virtual production supervisor and VFX specialist Gareth Repton has turned to crowdfunding to raise the money needed to launch a new, privately-owned film studio near Oxford. His ambition is to make virtual production more affordable and accessible to producers shooting movies, TV shows, commercials and promos on lower budgets.

LUXA Film is looking to buy an 8m x 3m LED wall with provision for set extensions lit by further LED panels and ARRI film lights. The aim is to be frills-free and practical to keep costs down.

This project offers rewards in return for donations. A pledge of £3,000 will earn the donor a free day of filming, which would normally cost £6,000. £2,000 gets half a day (4 hours) of filming, reduced to £1,500 if the donor provides the content to display on the wall, as 4K video. £5,000 buys a 2 day shoot, including help preparing the supplied video backgrounds, and a £10,000 pledge earns the donor a full week in the studio. As well as help preparing the video backgrounds, with this level of donation, the in-house virtual art department will supply two medium-level Unreal Engine environments to use.

For more information and to make a pledge, visit LUXA Film’s Crowfunder page.