
How image-based lighting is helping to bring colour accuracy to LED stages

Image-based lighting (IBL) is changing and improving the way that creative teams use LED stages for virtual production shoots

In virtual production, IBL involves displaying image sequences on separate lower resolution indirect view LED screens that provide incidental light and reflections to create a more dynamic, colour-accurate scene.

Conventional lighting fixtures will remain important tools in production, but the unique capabilities of IBL fixtures open new possibilities for lighting effects beyond virtual production studios. The full impact of these new technologies is a tale still being written.  

Bruce Aleksander, lighting designer

The high-resolution main screens on virtual production stages use densely packed red, green and blue (RGB) LEDS. Their colour reproduction is not that accurate; they don’t handle things like skin tones very well, for example. Newer, lower resolution RGBW displays which include a phosphor-based ‘white’ LED in the tightly-packed cluster, are now being used as light sources, allowing cinematographers to strike the right balance between how a scene looks through the lens and how it is lit.


Brompton Technologies, with TrueLight, Kino Flo and Quasar Science are at the forefront of this drive for more accurate lighting and seamless integration of background and foreground in virtual production.

TrueLight® is a game-changing technology, delivering high-quality lighting from LED panels with extra emitters – offering accurate, calibrated colours. It provides unprecedented improvement and control to the limited spectral output from RGB panels that can create unnatural skin tones.

Brompton Technologies

Source: TVTech