
A comprehensive list of Midjourney commands

Along with others such as Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT, Midjourney is one powerful AI bot that allows users to create images via text prompts on Discord to, amongst other things fine tune the process, modify default settings and monitor user profiles. These commands can be used in any bot channel on private Discord servers, where the Midjourney AI bot is allowed to operate or through direct messages with the bot itself.

This list of Midjourney commands is a comprehensive guide to getting the most out of one of the most popular generative AI technologies.

Basic Midjourney commands

  • /imagine (e.g., /imagine waffles and pancakes): The primary command to generate images using text prompts.
  • /help: Shows helpful information and tips about the Midjourney bot.
  • /info: Displays information about your profile.
  • /subscribe: Subscribe to the Midjourney bot.
  • /fast: Switches to Fast mode, which generates images faster but may result in less consistency and lower costs.
  • /relax: Switches to Relax mode, which generates images slower but at no cost.
  • /show <jobid>: Revives any previously generated image using its job ID.
  • /private: Sets your image generation jobs to private.
  • /public: Makes all of your jobs publicly visible again.
  • /prefer: Gives you access to settings such as custom Midjourney options.

Advanced parameters for the “/imagine” command

Parameters are essential inputs added at the end of the /imaginecommand to modify the image generation process.

  • -beta: An experimental algorithm for image generation.
  • -hd: An older algorithm for generating higher-resolution images.
  • -aspect/-ar: Generates images with a specified aspect ratio.
  • -w: Sets the width of the image.
  • -h: Sets the height of the image.
  • -seed: Sets the seed value for image generation.
  • -sameseed: Applies the same seed value to all generated images.
  • -no (e.g., -no plants): Excludes a specific element from the image.
  • -iw: Sets the image prompt weight.
  • -stylize <number>: Determines the strength of the image style.
  • -q <number>: Adjusts the image quality.
  • -chaos <number>: Controls the randomness of the image.
  • -fast: Generates images faster with less consistency and lower costs.
  • -stop: Stops the image generation process.
  • -video: Saves a progress video of the image generation.
  • -v <1 or 2>: Uses an older algorithm for the last improvement.
  • -uplight: Utilizes the “light” upscaler for image generation.

Stylise commands

These determine the artistic style of a generated image.

  • -s 625: Less artistic.
  • -s 1250: Less strict but visually appealing.
  • -s 2500: Default value for stylization.
  • -s 20000: Allows the stylization to take over.
  • -s 60000: Maximum stylization.

Quality commands

These affect the generation time and quality of an image

  • -q 0.25: 4x faster, rougher results, cheaper.
  • -q 0.5: 2x faster, less detailed, cheaper.
  • -q 1: Default value for image quality.
  • -q 2: 2x slower, more detailed, more expensive.
  • -q 5: Experimental quality setting.

Using a URL as a reference

add a URL to the /imagine command for Midjourney to use as a reference or inspiration.

  • /imagine <URL> (e.g., /imagine black hole)

Text weights

Assign specific weights to parts of a prompt to emphasise or de-emphasise certain elements. The default value is 1 if no weight is specified.

  • /imagine bread::1.5 food::-1
  • /imagine dog::1.25 animal::-0.75
  • /imagine bread food::-1 animal

Preferences and settings commands

These commands allow Midjourney bot settings and preferences to be modified.

  • /settings: Opens the visual settings menu.
  • /prefer suffix: Adjusts non-visual settings.
  • /prefer suffix <text>: Adds a specific suffix to every prompt.
  • /prefer auto_dm True: Automatically sends generated images to your Direct Messages.
  • /prefer option set <name> <value>: Sets a shortcut to a value, similar to keyboard shortcuts.
  • /prefer option list: Displays a list of your preferred options

Deprecated commands

Some of the commands that have been replaced or are no longer in use.

  • /private (replaced with /stealth)
  • /pixels
  • /idea

Additional commands

These offer extra Midjourney-related functionality or information.

  • /ask: Get an answer to a question.
  • /daily_theme: Toggle notification pings for the #daily-theme channel update.
  • /docs: Quickly generate a link to topics covered in the user guide (only available in the official Midjourney Discord server).
  • /faq: Quickly generate a link to popular prompt craft channel FAQs (only available in the official Midjourney Discord server).
  • /returns: Check the eligibility for return, refund, or replacement within 30 days of receipt.

Bot channels

Bot channels are Discord channels where the Midjourney bot is allowed to process slash commands. In the official Midjourney Discord, these channels can be found in the Newcomer Rooms, Thread Channels, Themed Image Gen, and General Image Gen categories.


What is Midjourney bot?

Midjourney AI’s art generator is built on top of the Discord messaging platform. The Midjourney bot is effectively a piece of software that sits in the Discord server and responds to queries that you send to it.

How do I use Midjourney bot on Discord?

You can use the Midjourney bot on any Discord server that has installed the bot. Your account credits and preferences work the same way across the entire platform. To create an image with Midjourney, enter /imagine followed by a description of what the bot should create.

How do I give a command in Midjourney?

You can send Midjourney commands by entering a front slash followed by the command word (e.g., /imagine). Depending on the type of command, you’ll be able to pass additional parameters.

Can I add Midjourney bot to my server?

Anyone who owns their own Discord server can add Midjourney Bot to their server. Simply click on Midjourney Bot’s profile inside the Discord server and click the “Add to Server” button.

Does Midjourney have an API?

Yes, Midjourney has an internal API that the Discord bot interacts with. However, the company currently has no plans to release a public Midjourney API that can be used by anyone.

Contact Mondatum if you would like advice, guidance and support on how to get the best out of generative AI tools like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT –


Image source: Redshark