
Netflix publishes 8-part “virtual production playbook” on Youtube (videos)

The digital content pioneers are lending the wider community some of their expertise in the form of these informative, well-produced tutorials on how to get the best out of LED stages, camera tracking technology and real-time 3D systems

Join us for an educational journey through the details of Virtual Production! Netflix has produced a series of informative videos and modules designed to provide valuable insights into virtual production methodologies. This content includes various clips, BTS footage, stills and interviews with some of Netflix’s key experts in virtual production.

Chapter 1 – An Introduction to Virtual Production

What is it? What are some of the most popular technologies currently being used on Netflix titles today? How can Virtual Production fuel creativity and efficiency?

Chapter 2 – When to Consider Virtual Production?

How does Virtual Production solve production problems? How can different Virtual Production technologies be applied to real situations? What kind of titles (and during what phase of production) does Virtual Production technology help the most?

Chapter 3 – The Virtual Production Workflow

How do Virtual Production technologies come together for a title? When and how do you get started?

Chapter 4 – What Works & What Doesn’t?

What are the prime use cases for Virtual Production technology? What kind of scenes lend themselves to Virtual Production workflows and what ones are challenging? How can Virtual Production support more authentic performances from actors?

Chapter 5A – Planning for Virtual Production: Budget & Scheduling

What are the logistics of Virtual Production? How can Virtual Production be used as a scheduling benefit? How much does it cost?

Chapter 5B – Planning for Virtual Production: Crewing Up

What will it take to execute Virtual Production techniques effectively and who needs to be brought in to make that happen? What are the roles and responsibilities of a successful Virtual Production team?

Chapter 6A – Capturing Content: 2D Plates

What do you need to keep in mind when capturing plate based content for Virtual Production ? What needs to be considered when creating your virtual background ? Who needs to be involved based on your use case?

Chapter 6B – Capturing Content: 3D Game Engines

What if you need to create 3D assets? What is photogrammetry? How does it work to create 3D models? If you end up needing to use real-time game engines, where do you start and what do you need to consider?